Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"I walk into a White room"

~ I will have to be honest, when it comes to working on something, I procrastinate 98% of the time. If its an assignment for a class, and I am not that excited about it- you can count on me either daydreaming, watching tv, sleeping, chatting with friends on the phone or on the computer, checking facebook, eating or something else other than beginning the assignment. Oh! and spacing out is my favorite. If its something that I am really pumped on doing or if its an assignment that appeals to me, then I will procrastinate less but I will still procrastinate. I would definitely like to work on this, but at the same time I believe that procrastinating a tiny bit can work in your favor as it allows you to clear your mind and get focused. 

~ I have no fixed daily routines. I live my life as it comes, so to speak. I do plan and list down the things I want to get accomplished, but sometimes I don't go by the plan and it works out just fine for me.  So to answer the question, my daily routines vary. I wake up when I have to, if I don't have anything to do in the morning I will sleep in. This daily lifestyle works perfectly now that I am in college but when it needs to be changed the necessary changes will definitely be made. A summary of a normal day in my life would follow like this: I'll wake up at around 8AM and eat breakfast. I believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I Take a shower and let my thinking process set loose. This is when I schedule a list in my mind of the things I need to do. Go to classes, the gym, sometimes I take a nap and sometimes I just hang out with friends. If I have a meeting with any organizations I am involved in, I go to that and some days I play volleyball or tennis. In the night, I usually work on homework and study. Bed time varies as well. There are times when I am in bed at 10PM and sometimes at 3AM. 

~I have always believed that some people are born with exceptional talents and gifts. With that said, I strongly believe that everybody has their own "touch of god" talents in one way or the other towards something. Although hard work, dedication and time will make them more better and proficient in their respective talent.

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