Tuesday, September 2, 2008

100 questions that I asked myself..

  1. What do I want to do in life?
  2. What are my goals and aspirations?
  3. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
  4. Where do I see myself in 10 years?
  5. How successful will I be?
  6. Will I be married before the age of 30?
  7. How many children do I want?
  8. How will I contribute to the society/community?
  9. What are the most important things in my life?
  10. Who do I consider my best friends?
  11. Do I have enemies?
  12. Will I ever travel to all 7 continents?
  13. When will I go back to India?
  14. What is my favorite subject?
  15. What will I get out of the Art 250 class?
  16. Who do I admire the most?
  17. Who is my inspiration?
  18. What inspires me in life?
  19. What keeps me motivated and dedicated?
  20. What do I want to do with an economics major?
  21. Will I do something related to my major after college?
  22. What is my favorite color?
  23. What is the next exciting thing that will happen in my life?
  24. What would be the one country I would want to do to?
  25. How have my parents been an influence in my life?
  26. How have my sisters been an influence in my life?
  27. Doing high school in India, how do I find education here in the US?
  28. Do I like it better here in America or in India?
  29. What was the best part about living in India?
  30. Will I ever go back to live in India?
  31. Will I ever live somewhere else other than America or India after college?
  32. What made me decide to go to college here in the US?
  33. Why did I choose to apply at University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign?
  34. If not UIUC, where would I want to go to college?
  35. Do I like summer or winter the most?
  36. Why am I allergic to cats?
  37. Why am I allergic to dust and the heat?
  38. What is my favorite book?
  39. What is my favorite movie?
  40. Why am I more of a night person than a morning person?
  41. Do I like tea the best or coffee?
  42. Why am I sleepy right now? lol!
  43. Why do I prefer microsoft XP over microsoft vista?
  44. What will make me a better human being?
  45. I am not religious, why so?
  46. Why do I like chicken and beef but not pork?
  47. Why do I like short hair on girls?
  48. Why do I like blue and black together?
  49. Why have I changed my mind so many times when it comes to my major?
  50. Why do I like madison, WI but not milwaukee, WI?
  51. If the olympics comes to chicago in 2016, how will I be a part of it?
  52. Would I want to travel alot for work?
  53. Why do I like pressing buttons so much?
  54. Why do I not like cologne?
  55. Why is there so much poverty in India?
  56. How will I contribute to the sufferings in the world?
  57. Why do I lie sometimes and not feel guilty, but other times do?
  58. Why do I like corky movies?
  59. Will I make my parents proud?
  60. Will I make myself proud?
  61. Will I do good in this class?
  62. Who will I vote for? Obama or Mccain?
  63. How can I work on my impatience?
  64. Which is my favorite sister out of my 4 sisters?
  65. Why am I am stuck right now with these questions?
  66. How are these questions relevant to this class?
  67. How will my 1 year experience as an architecture major play out for this class?
  68. How much of computer knowledge would I require for this class?
  69. Why am I afraid of heights?
  70. What can I overcome my fear of heights?
  71. What will I miss the most about U of I after college?
  72. Will I go to graduate school?
  73. Where would I want to go?
  74. Am I going to graduate on time?
  75. What is my dream car?
  76. How many of my friends will I stay in touch in the long run?
  77. Will I get really drunk on my 21st birthday?
  78. Will I ever climb Mt.Everest?
  79. Am I good friend to my friends?
  80. Am I good brother?
  81. Am I a good uncle to my nephew?
  82. How can I be more productive?
  83. How can I be more efficient?
  84. Who can I rely on the most?
  85. Do I have trust issues?
  86. Do my parents know everything about me?
  87. Will I give a speech at my sister's wedding?
  88. What does my life entail in the near future?
  89. How has growing up in India enriched my life?
  90. Do I care about the world?
  91. if drafted and sent to the war, would I be ok with it? or pretty upset?
  92. What do I think about the war in Iraq?
  93. How can I contribute if there is another natural disaster in the US?
  94. What makes me so special?
  95. Do i like my name?
  96. Does it bother me that most of the people cannot pronounce my name?
  97. Do I prefer the Wii or playstation?
  98. When will I own either one? or both?
  99. Am I happy now that I am almost done with this assignment?
  100. What do I think of George Bush? LOL!

COMMON THEMES: I live my life by anticipating the excitement that's going to occur in my life. I always ask myself, what's the next exciting thing thats going to happen in my life?? whether it be going back to college, or me turning 21 in december- those are all events that I look forward to and in the meantime I live my life day by day with the feeling that my life entails something exciting all the time..I am not sure if this is good or bad, but it works for me. So most of my questions are directed towards the future, the uncertainties and a lot about my personal interests including my friends and family.

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