Thursday, September 4, 2008

10 amusing things...

Sept 16th:
1. My sleepy face in the mirror when I woke up, 2. hot cup of tea, 3. my suit that I wore to the business career fair, 4. Lots of booths, 5. the pool at ARC, 6. The interview questions as I was on the interview panel for AIESEC, 7. lots of interviewees, 8. a burrito bowl from Qdoba, 9. A dvd, 10. people drinking at firehaus.

Sept 15th:
1. Check-in computer at Mckinley health centre, 2. My doctor, 3. quarters that I used to put in the meters when I parked my car (parking is more expensive than chicago here.. jeez!!), 4. socks, 5. lots of students dressed up professionally for the business career fair, 6. Deloitte booth at the fair, 7. rocks and dirt, 8. a muffin from Espresso Royale, 9. a squirrel trapped in the staircase of my apartment building, 10. a motorcycle.

Sept 14th:
1. My unwashed clothes lying in the laundry basket from the past 2 weeks, 2. Detergent for my dirty clothes, 3. My friend's camera that I borrowed to work on the video project, 4. Hair gel, 5. tennis racquet that I played with, 6. my friend's wilson tennis kit (I want one), 7. protein shake that I made myself, 8. new ear phones, 9. lotion, 10. Irish spring bar soap

Sept 13th:
1. The first thing I say today was the clock as I woke up late (I was upset), 2. A bagel with cream cheese, 3. My friend who was hung over from last night, 4. bottle of water, 5. My close friend who is here visiting from Holland, 6. Cool art work at a Thai restaurant, 7. the pool at IMPE, 8. The lifeguard that I pissed off when I dived into the pool with no diving signs (that I didn't see), 9. Yummy Indian food from Bombay Grill, 10. My friend's X-box. 

Sept 12th:
1. My pillows without the pillow cases as they were being washed, 2. My messy room, 3. a bird fly by outside my window, 4. a motorcycle, 5. A father and his son walking together, 6. My calculus graded quiz (I didn't do so bad), 7. A girl's disappointed face when she found out she got a score of 1 out of 20 (LOL! she was funny), 8. Lots of kleenex as my allergies got worse, 9. The amazing Seibel Center building, 10. Cup of pop that I got at the cafe at Seibel. 

Sept 11th:
1. Lotion, 2. pigeons minding their own business, 3. My I-home to charge my I-pod, 4. My next door neighbors, 5. An email from a old friend from India, 6. Red hot chewing gum, 7. My friend's tapestries from India at her apartment, 8. My flip flops all soaked from the rain tonight, 9. City of God dvd, 10. My TV. 

Sept 10th:
1. Chapstick, as my lips were dry, 2. My roommate's new laptop, 3. beer cans outside our apartment building, 4. My advisor, 5. paper plates, 6. my wristband, 7. noting things down in my I-book, 8. A burrito from Taco bell, 10. big cup filled with pepsi

Sept 9th:
1. My nail clipper, 2. My laptop screen playing an episode of 'friends', 3. A nectarine, 4. leaves from trees on the ground, 5. A projector used at the info night for AIESEC (student organization), 6. My fellow good looking AIESEC'ers in suits, 7. My friend's gleaming face at his 21st birthday party, 8. Ice cream cake from Coldstone (HEAVEN!!!), 9. My friend's Canon camera, 10. My tooth brush. 

Sept 8th:
1. My roommate making coffee, 2. The fancy coffee maker he used to make it, 3. Hour sofa at my apartment, 4. A girl in a random balcony smoking a cigarette, 5. A dog with his/her walker, 6. The Union, 7. New pledges of Phi Chi Theta, 8. A friend I last saw 2 years ago, 9. dog poop on the side walk, 10. My Ipod playing Beirut.

Sept 7th:
1. Sun rays that filled my room this sunday morning, 2. Penicillin pills for my Strep Throat, 3. several text messages from friends on my cell phone, 4. Pages from "Creativity DNA" by Twyla Tharp that I read for this class, 5. My pillow when I took a nap, 6. a big flat screen tv as my friends and I got ready to watch the first episode of Entourage's 5th season, 7. my friend Vishal's disappointing face as he found the episode just ordinary and nothing special (his words), 8. dairy queen's caramel sundae, 9. a girl walking with her bike that had a flat tire at about 10:20PM, 10. a BMW convertible parked a few spaces from my car.

Sept 6th:
1. The beautiful view of downtown Chicago from my sister's condo, 2. myself in the mirror, 3. my gorgeous sister making me pancakes, 4. freshly squeezed orange juice, 5. the front door security guy, 6. good ol' State Street, 7. ever tall sears tower, 8. the vast corn fields on my drive back to chambana, 9. water leaking stains on our apartment building, 10. the unwashed dishes pilled up from about a week in my kitchen.

Sept 5th:
1. The killers poster in my bedroom, 2. Kleenex as I had a running nose (my stupid allergies), 3. honey bunches of oat cereal as I tasted the crunchiness in my mouth, 4. My Russian calculus professor in class explaining vectors in his thick russian accent, 5. a random person sleeping in class, 6. my new Phi Chi Theta pen, 7. My friend's Ipod connector for the car that didn't work making me furious, 8. the star lit sky at night while I was driving to Chicago, 9. the happiest bride and groom at their wedding ceremony, 10. 4-5 drunk mexican dads dancing on the dance floor at the ceremony which made my night (LOL!).

Sept 4th:
I am an hour late with this post. Nonetheless, here is my list of the 10 most spectacular things I saw today out of the countless objects, images and living things we are surrounded by. 
~the pouring rain
~the dirt on my car
~my math quiz paper
~posters at the union
~my stunning suit
~strawberries fresh from Meijer's
~my black macbook
~men's health magazine
~my roommate's In Touch magazine. LOL!.. He loves gossip.

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