Monday, September 8, 2008

Creative DNA

11) How do you begin your day?
~ As mentioned before, I don't really have fixed daily routines. I think the beauty of spontaneity works wonders for me. On a normal day in my life, I get up to the loud buzzing sound of my alarm clock. Usually I snooze for the next 10-15 mins, but after that I find myself in the showers. This is where I begin thinking of my day, things I need to do and plan everything in my head. This is followed by a wonderful breakfast where my thought process continues. This is how my day usually begins.

23) When confronted with superior intelligence or talent, how do you respond?
~ In all honesty, people with superior intelligence or talent inspires me. They give a push to my motivation, I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach cause they make me want to be like them, makes me want to be better. I listen to what they have to say and I observe a lot, trying to pick their brains or incorporate some aspects in my life.

26) When you work, do you love the process or the result?
~ I consider myself to be very competitive, so I believe the process and the result are equally important to succeed in your work. I love the process cause I want the result to be the best, so the anticipation of the result makes me want to perfect the process. The process and the result goes hand in hand, if you don't work on the process, you can't expect much out of the result.

29) What is your greatest fear?
~ My greatest fear would be death. My fear is not extreme, I guess it's more of my curiosity of what happens after death, the fear that I don't have no answers. I believe if one fears death excessively they won't be able to enjoy life which is not the case with me. The fact that I do not know what happens to someone after they die, scares me. This comes to my views on heaven. I would want to believe that people go to heaven but I have no proof of it so I only have faith in it and no belief. Thus I fear of what might happen after death. The process of dying is scary to me as well.

33) What is your greatest dream?
~ My greatest dream is to be successful. To make myself proud and my family proud. Success could come in terms of wealth, fame or health. If I feel that I am successful and happy, then that's when I will truly know that I am successful

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