Wednesday, October 29, 2008

5-10 beliefs

1. I believe that the world needs peace.
2. Everything happens for a reason
3. I believe that its always the unexpected that takes place.
~ I believe that is true(for the most part at least) because it happens to me. Maybe its just in my head, but it always seems that the unexpected always takes place. I guess from this statement, what I am really trying to express is never expect too much out of something. Be confident but not over-confident.
4. Cricket is better than baseball
~ I grew up in India, so I grew up watching cricket and was not really exposed to baseball. Now that I am in the US, watching baseball is fun, but I always tend to compare it with cricket, the different aspects related to the sports, the similarities and how cricket excels in techniques, the skills required for the game, the way the sport is played etc. So I have always been a huge fan of cricket and always will be and nothing would make me change my belief as this is something that I have developed from a young age.
5. People need to be more open-minded
6. I have faith in God, and i don't believe that god exists unless proven. I believe in Unitarian Universalism.

Everything in an argument.

A Boston Red Sox Cap: Some who love baseball and the red sox would take a lot of pride in owning a red sex cap. But my argument is- I don't care. Haha! I would own one, but not because I am a fan of the team or anything.

A Livestrong bracelet: People where it to show their support for the cancer victims.

A belated birthday Card: I have happened to send people belated birthday cards and have received some as well. I think its just as special as sending one on their birthday. Shows that they do/did remember the person's birthday.

A nutrition label: Gives the person who is buying or consuming all the information of what it contains and the percentages.

A rolex watch: Implies that the person is freaking rich/wealthy.

A health warning on a package of cigarettes: I find this a huge contradiction. People already know that smoking is a health hazard, I highly doubt that people see this warning and decide to quit.

Presentation and distribution.

Reflection+ Critical Thinking: With my end product, I was pretty happy with what I had accomplished. I believe that some of my biggest strengths were that I got some creative shots that I incorporated in my project. I am happy with the approach that I took in interviewing my interviewees (a casual, more friendly outtake). My biggest weakness would be the quality of the sound, although I did try editing it with a program called audacity- i still wasn't happy with it. I also wish I got better shots at the store with better lighting and quality. I think the biggest lesson is to start on the project as soon as possible, since projects like this-we are depending on people and its not easy to coordinate the time between the both.
The biggest pleasure of being a video author is the amount of fun you have. I find it very interesting and honestly I don't even find a project like this a homework assignment. Playing around with the equipment and different softwares while editing is also a pleasure to do since you get to learn things on your own.

Audience Response: I definitely feel that I conveyed my ideas to the audience. With my piece I wanted the audience to relate to the characters, especially the owner that I focused on. I was very happy with the audience reactions, their comments and even their constructive criticism. One mentioned that it was inspirational, seeing how a person right out of college started a business like this. That is exactly what I wanted to portray, although I do wish I got better clips of questions relating more about her business planning. Some mentioned that my camera angles weren't that great, so I definitely will keep that in mind for my next project. Altogether I was really happy with the responses I got from the crowd.

Distribution: I am not sure if I want to reach a wider audience with my piece. I don't really care, i guess.

Monday, October 27, 2008

purchases I made..

Recently I purchased a prince tennis racquet. I did see the advertisements for the product on TV. I do not know how much of an effect it had on me further in my decision to purchase the product as I had already made my decision. I can say that the advertisement did resonate with my personal aesthetic and gave me a confirmation of why this was the best product out there for me. The advertisement talked about the advanced performance enhanced technology that the prince racquets have incorporated, along with inspiring clips of tennis stars. So I would say that the advertisement did target their market well.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Shooting vs Editing

I find both very fun and interesting aspects of the project. In order to edit, obviously video footage is necessary. SO I have to say that editing is dependent on the footage I get. I have captured some footage that I want to include in my project, but still need a lot more. Usually I begin editing after I get all my clips. I just feel more organized that way.

Post Production

So I am still kind of in the production stage, as I still haven't interviewed my interviewee. I have set up many questions that I am going to be asking, and the planning is going pretty well. I sort of have an idea of how I want my whole project to look like. I have contacted the person and soon I will be getting some fresh footage hopefully. I want my project to portray my interviewee's success and his business strategies. His journey of how the business was set up and his fears/concerns. How can I capture that in video? I know Ican have oral histories, but this is something I still need to think about and get some suggestions in class.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Form and Content

Well, i am focusing on a young entrepreneur and his/her business concept and success. SO far I don't have a lot of information, but I am planning on getting some detailed content, getting some footage that represents the ideas I am trying to portray. Have footage that balances her business/work life and her personal life. I believe that form makes a great piece of art that highlights all the characteristics in the story.

Production Stage

Need more info about my interviewee, so will post later...

Monday, October 6, 2008

10 interviewing questions..

Theme: Personal life

1. So where were you born?
2. How was your childhood?
3. Share one memory that you cherish the most?
4. Why did you decide to go to U of I?
5. How was it adapting to the American culture?
6. What is the most important thing to you in life?
7. Tell me something weird about yourself?
8. How do you perceive Indians in America?
9. What is your biggest goal in life?
10. What is the one question you liked the least out of this interview?

Project Pre-Production

Personal: I am a young aspiring entrepreneur and always been interested in the corporate business world. I have come across 2 successful business concepts here in Champaign. One is the new popular 'Howbowda bagle' store on green street and the other is 'cakes on walnut' in downtown champaign. These 2 businesses were recently opened and have seen much success. Both of the owners are young entrepreneurs out of college who started the business. I find that very interesting and am eager to learn more about their success and the process they went through.

Research: I have chosen this project cause I can relate to this immensely. There is so much I can learn and get out of them, if I can manage to get a hold of them. I want to learn about their business procedures, the whole process, their balance between their work and personal life. I will produce questions regarding to these aspects and hopefully create a successful project.

Anxieties: I am not sure how I will get footage that will tell us their stories in a non- oral history kind of way. Time conflicts are definitely a worry to me. I wonder how their time and my time will coincide. I am not sure if they will be willing to discuss their whole business process and strategies.

Characters: I want to include both the owners of the businesses I am focusing on (obviously). Their employees, random people and ask what they think of the stores.

Structure: I will try to provide lots of visual footage of the characters, music that will entice the audience more. Focus on topics that will flow with an order. Let my characters speak, tell their stories. I will ask questions pertaining to what they are talking about.

Hampe Advice...

Have an idea before beginning the project; begin with an idea, end with an audience. Pre-Production plans are vital for a documentary. Static and oral histories are boring, it's not as enticing as capturing footage. Capture as much footage as you can. Let the people speak, let them tell their stories, let them get excited.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Talking points..

There are several topics covered in this excerpt that I found very interesting and that would generate a dialogue between people. A dialogue including different views and opinions on the respective topics.

1. When the author talks about people questioning his photographs and asks him what kind of camera he uses is interesting. He says that the camera doesn't really matter but its the images or the people in it that sparks the interest. I find that intriguing as I believe at times a good camera does make a huge difference.

2. Whether documentaries provide more of an insight than plain interviewing or pictures or reading?