Monday, November 17, 2008

Production Stage

Interview questions: MY video piece is going to be detail oriented. I am going to have people talk alot, and yes I have questions that will elicit informative and detailed responses. I have gotten a few clips, and people have responded well so far.

Shot- List: So far I have some shots I took at a conference. People talking about what they think about AIESEC. I pln to get more interview shots, more images, more action shots and location shots. I will mix these together to produce a well ordered video project.

Style+Elements: My style to to capture to joy, the excitement and also humor. I plan on doing the same with more inspiring clips, because I believe AIESEC is a great organization with numerous opportunities, so having an inspirational feel to it will be ideal. So far my plan is being implemented slowly. I plan to use most of the audio that I recorded, since that is very important to my piece. I plan to use different audio and will assemble it accordingly with the corresponding video clips.

Composition+Form: I have a lot of shooting to do, but so far from the clips that I have captured, I have a good feel to what and how I will be using them in the end product. In terms of whether it will convey my message, I believe the clips so far definitely are in relation to that. Or else I would have never gotten these clips in the first place.

Reflection: SO far I have a good feel to it. I just have to do more shooting and then comes the editing and putting together my piece. I really want my end product to be a good quality video. That is my goal.

Improvisation: I have actually stumbled on the whole topic as a whole few times already. I finally decided to do my piece on the members of AIESEC. I always discover new things as I go, while working on something. Especially while shooting clips, I think of different questions and different ways of capturing the video. Its all a process and sicne I am in teh initial stages, I believe more of this will take place later as well.

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