I believe there are differences in doing research and in general the whole production of the end product for a video project and a research paper. At-least to me. When working on a research paper, you familiarize yourself with the topic and do extensive research on the respective topic in terms of understanding it, providing facts about the topic and presenting factual validity. Stating the facts or arguments are easy as anyone would know, but the validity is where the weight lays most on. Researching can vary from using the internet, books etc., In a video project, the notion of validity/truth depends. In depends on what kind of video it is. If its a project about interviewing people, it becomes relative and we tend to depend on the people to validate the facts and convince the audience. With any other video piece, we have to produce something that is visually effective that convinces the audience. To me, doing research on a video project usually takes place in my head. I create a storyboard in my own head and outline what I want to do. Later I implement my plan by getting footage and editing it, hoping that it will be a success to the audience. I always have the audience in mind.
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