Friday, December 12, 2008

Presentation and DIstribution

Reflection and critical thinking:

I was very happy with my end product, although I wish I had messed around more with Premier pro to include some other editing effects in my video project. I believe the video footage I got as a whole was pretty solid, and I really thought about the music I wanted to incorporate, which I thought was a success. It flowed well with the piece. I believe the images I collected were a strong part of my finished piece as well. I wish I had gotten some more footage regarding specific information I thought would have been useful to incorporate in the project. I also wish my ending was a bit more impactful. The important lesson I learnt was that before shooting, to really go through the question you want to ask and really look at the whole picture so that when editing you have numerous choices to make the product a masterpiece.

Audience Response:

I was pleased with the audience response that I received for my project. As soon as I decided on doing my project on AIESEC, I knew I wanted it to have an inspirational feel to it. I believe thats how the audience felt with their responses. I definitely that that I communicated my thoughts and ideas well with my project and was very satisfied with the comments I got from the audience. Even the small 'picky ones' as one mentioned about my map in the background. I thought that, we responses as such, I could make my project even more better. The ending was a discussion that arose while discussing my project, and I do agree with what criticism I received.


I am thinking about making this video available to a different audience. This project, about an international organization, could be utilized as a promotional video for the organization.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Post Production

Logging Shots: SO I have quite an amount of footage for this porject. I interviewed couple of people who are of importance to my video. I am not sure if I will be using all of the footage that I have, but its good cause I can work with more. I always have an idea in my head of what I want to accomplish/communicate. SO thus I have captured video that contains the materials that I need. Hopefully I will be conveying an overall view of what AIESEC and why the people in AIESEC believe in it.

Reshoots: As this is obvious, this project can be mostly dependent on other people or not if one decides to focus more on oneself in the project. Initially I intended to focus alot of my project on me, but as I worked though this from time, I realized that I can produce a better piece by focusing on other people. SInce I made that choice, I depended on people to give good answers, or talk about something sensible that would make my video interesting/work. AS I have gotten a lot of footage, I am happy with what I have, but would have been happier if I got some more shots with better responses.

Reflection: So editing is the fun part, but choosing what material to use can be tedious. I plan on going through all the video clips that I have, just to make sure that my idea in my head is concrete. I want to give a general introduction about AIESEC and then bring in the different members and convey their wonderful experiences through some images as well. So with this guideline, I will choose the necessary clips.

Improvisation: My ideas are definitely flowing. I did create a brief paper edit, with the sequences of the shots according to my guideline story. I can see the different images I can throw in my piece, I can definitely add a few more clips in between.

Rehearsal: So the biggest achievement from my last project to this one, is the way I captured my footage. I got them in a way where the audio was pretty clear, which makes the video much better to follow. I have added a few images in between my project and of course clips. I really like the transitions and how I edited all the clips and images. I think they fit well together. I am using premier pro instead of I-movie this time. I was hoping for a huge improvement in the quality of my project, but there is definitely an improvement, just not as much as I wanted to. Premier does take a while to get used to, but all together I am happy so far.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Editing vs Shooting

Both aspects are extremely vital for a video project. I would definitely say that I enjoy editing more than shooting, as that is when most of my ideas flow and you can work with your video clips in whatever way you want. You can manipulate the clips you have taken, especially the ones that haven't come out that great. It is understood that shooting and editing goes hand in hand. Adding effects, adding some music and graphics definitely appeals to me.

Production Stage

Interview questions: MY video piece is going to be detail oriented. I am going to have people talk alot, and yes I have questions that will elicit informative and detailed responses. I have gotten a few clips, and people have responded well so far.

Shot- List: So far I have some shots I took at a conference. People talking about what they think about AIESEC. I pln to get more interview shots, more images, more action shots and location shots. I will mix these together to produce a well ordered video project.

Style+Elements: My style to to capture to joy, the excitement and also humor. I plan on doing the same with more inspiring clips, because I believe AIESEC is a great organization with numerous opportunities, so having an inspirational feel to it will be ideal. So far my plan is being implemented slowly. I plan to use most of the audio that I recorded, since that is very important to my piece. I plan to use different audio and will assemble it accordingly with the corresponding video clips.

Composition+Form: I have a lot of shooting to do, but so far from the clips that I have captured, I have a good feel to what and how I will be using them in the end product. In terms of whether it will convey my message, I believe the clips so far definitely are in relation to that. Or else I would have never gotten these clips in the first place.

Reflection: SO far I have a good feel to it. I just have to do more shooting and then comes the editing and putting together my piece. I really want my end product to be a good quality video. That is my goal.

Improvisation: I have actually stumbled on the whole topic as a whole few times already. I finally decided to do my piece on the members of AIESEC. I always discover new things as I go, while working on something. Especially while shooting clips, I think of different questions and different ways of capturing the video. Its all a process and sicne I am in teh initial stages, I believe more of this will take place later as well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pre-Production Plan

Personal: I think this whole module is very personal, as it is based on 'This is believe' statement. My video is definitely going to be very personal as well. I am going to focus on an international organization called AIESEC. I am it the organization and very passionate about being a member. I will focus alot on me and the different members involved in it. I will try to capture the essence of the organization, why the different members are in it, why they believe AIESEC is a great organization and more. More importantly, AIESEC, the world's largest student organization is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact in society. I want to portray these different aspects of this organization. Experiences of the members of AIESEC abroad and the impact they have made in society and the impact they have had in their own life.

Working Statement/Hypothesis: There is so much to this organization and so much that the members do in it. I will try to incorporate AIESEC's mission and what the members do locally, nationally and internationally. AIESEC is a global organization. SO the organization is very diverse. One of its other purposes to to create global awareness. So in my whole project, I will try to focus on the members, what they do in teh organization, what the organization has done for them, their experiences, what they do on campus and how the organization's mission is accomplished. I will combine all of the above aspects together and try to produce an overall/inspiring video that sums up what the members believe in and what they accomplish.

Research: I will talk to many members of the organization. I plan on having a video that comprises of some members of the organization. I aim to have them talk about their experiences and about AIESEC.

Anxieties: I really hope the audience won't feel like I am trying to sell the organization's brand. Well making a video about the organization and showing it to an audience is obviously spreading the name. SO I guess that is inevitable, but I want the audience to realize that this is something that I am very passionate. I want to portray my belief that AIESEC is the best organization and I want them to understand why that is, and be able to have them appreciate the organization.

Content: Members of AIESEC including myself. Some other pictures related to AIESEC.

Audience: My audience will be everyone. It could be a naudience who might be interested in the organization, people who might be interested in the things this organization does.

Style: Like always I have a fun/energetic feel to my videos. I kind of what to do the same, but I also want to have an inspiring feel to it. I plan to work on editing and putting more time into making the video.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

100 words

BY brainstorming ideas with myself and with my peers, I have decided to make a video about the holidays, specifically Christmas. WHy people love and cherish christmas, what is the significance of christmas to the different people that I am going to interview. Interview non-christians who still celebrate christmas and focus on why they love christmas, a festival out of their religion. I want to touch on the religious aspects of christmas, the family aspects. I also want to incorporate the excitement of the holiday and the preparation that goes into it.